Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Language learning programs for kids"

I viewed this clip complimentary through Influenster. You can watch the clip as well by clicking this link.

        Me and my children just sat down and watched the clip provided by Influenster for the Lingo Dino French edition. They really loved it. My children's ages are 11, 8 &, 4. I was really surprised that my 11 year old like the video. I thought at first it look like something more for very young kids. I was wrong. I myself could easily sit down and watch it. We know no other language other than English, this would be a perfect and easy way to learn a new language for a child or adult. To be honest I really think this would be a great family time activity. They break everything down so simply that I believe even my four year old could learn a new language pretty easily. This is absolutely a great educational program, and great for those on a tight budget. I believe it would also be a very valuable program for parents that home school there children. My Sister In-law home schools her two girls I will defiantly be recommending this program to her. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

"Goody Simple Styles Spin Pin"

This product was given to me by Influenster to test and review. But all words spoken are my own opinion of the performance of the product.

Yay!! Is my feelings on these awesome little spin pins. I will tell you why!! My daughter Callie has some of the finest thin baby hair even at eight years old, it is really long as well. I always love to play with her hair, and we have fun styling it different ways. But a lot of times with long hair styles you have to use bobby pins to keep it in place. They literally slide right out of her hair. Such a pain as you can imagine. These pins completely solved that problem for us. The price for these are $7.29 for two. I did think that was a little pricey at first, but now I can see they are worth every penny. It also has a little three style guide in the box. With some really cute styles that were easy to achieve. I will say this is my favorite thing in the box. I never knew these little pins would work so well.  

Bath & Body Works Mini Candle

This product was given to me by Influenster to test and review. But all words spoken are my own opinion of the performance of the product.

As I'm sure you guys can guess I was looking forward to lighting this cute little candle up. Even Though I make my own candles, I still love to try other candles. Of course that's one of the reasons I started making them myself. Because I have always loved candles. Ever since I could remember I collected them. I have to report unfortunately that the candle was a bust in the scent throw department. I had stated in my opening the Beauty Blogger VoxBox blog that the scent I received was Fireside. I meant to say Black Pepper Bergamot. The scent of the candle just sniffing it is a really nice scent. So its not that I don't like it. Its just when I lit it up I waited, and waited , and I could never get a scent off of the candle. Even when I had it sitting right in front of me. I had such high hopes for this candle. The fact that its a Bath and Body product, and that it only costs $3.50. But I will say this. It could have been just this scent was not a strong one. So I'm going to purchase a few more of the mini candles just to see if they all are the same, scent throw wise. I will let you guys know. As always Thanks for Reading.

If you guys would like you could purchase a mini for your self, and let me know what you think of the scent throw. I really would like to make sure I just don't have candle noise, and am being to critical.

Kiss Ever Pro Lashes Starter Kit!

This product was given to me by Influenster to test and review. But all words spoken are my own opinion of the performance of the product.

I have finally gotten up the courage to test out the lashes. lol I have to say not as bad as I thought it would be. I was pleasantly surprised how easy they were to apply. I'm in love with my new lashes. Truly never thought I would look right with falsies on. I truly believe now it depends on what brand it is you buy. Because these are so beautiful on. They are made with 100% human hair, and they are reusable. As you can tell from the picture they come with some great little tweezers that really help you to get a good grip as you apply the lashes. I wore these out the other day, and got so many complements on how pretty my eyes were. For only $5.99 you really can not go wrong with these lashes. I have came to find there is not a product I have tried that I have hated made by Kiss. It is quite the opposite I love them all. 

NYC Individual Eyes Custom Compact!

This product was given to me by Influenster to test and review. But all words spoken are my own opinion of the performance of the product. 

         Hey guys I finally had a chance to use the NYC Custom Compact a few times. My finding is for a drugstore eye shadow duo this is great. I really love that it had a primer and illuminator with the 4 shadow colors. The price they have this listed for is $4.99. You really can not find a better deal than that. You get so much for so little. I will be honest I did not think it would be that great quality wise. But I was wrong. The color lasted for at least 12 hours, and the primer is nice. I have to say I really loved the illuminator the most. I love that bright eyed look. The illuminator really did its job lighting and illuminating my eyes. I also used it as a highlighter on my cheeks. I love the consistency of it. It goes on very creamy and smooth, and blends in really nicely. I would have to say after reviewing this products I want it in other colors as well. I would recommend this product, and already have plans to buy more myself.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Influenster Beauty Blogger VoxBox opening!

All these products were sent to me buy Influenster to test and review. Find out how to get your own at .

My first reaction when I opened this box was pure joy. I thought to myself wow this is the best box I have received from Influenster to date. The first product that caught my eye was the Kiss ever Pro Lash Starter Kit. I thought to myself no way these will look right on me, and can I even put them on my self with out loosing an eye. lol "Wish me luck guys!"

Next, thing was the Goodys Spin Pins. I was pretty excited to try these out on my daughters hair. She has baby fine and, extremely thin hair. Normal bobby pins literally slide out of her hair just from the movement of her head. Defiantly have my fingers crossed these work. There are so many cute hair styles I would love to try on her hair.

Third, was the Bath And Body Works mini candle. It is the Fireside scented 1.3 oz candle. It is really super cute. The packaging is really cute as well. I have always wanted to try a Bath And Body Works candle but just have never bought one. So you know that is probably going to be the first thing I try out.

Fourth, thing I received was a NYC Individual eyes custom compact. I love the shade of colors in this duo. It also has a primer, and illuminator that comes with it. Really how can you go wrong with this awesome compact? So looking forward to reviewing this as well.

Fifth, thing I received was EBOOST. It is a powder that you mix up with water. That clams to boost your mind, focus, and immunity with natural ingredients. It comes in four different flavors Orange, Pink Lemonade, Acai Pomegranate, or Super Berry. I'm pretty intrigued to see how this works.

Sixth, and last in my box was a sample size of Not Your Mother's Smooth Moves Frizz Control Hair Cream. It has coconut and silk extracts in it that are suppose to help control frizz. I defiantly have the type of hair for this test. It smells nice out of the bottle. I hope it gets the job done. No one likes frizzy hair. So anything that will work to control it I'm all over it.

I just wanted to say a quick Thank you, for number one reading my blog, and to Influenster for sending me such a great box of goodies to review. I hope you guys can find the time to check out there website. Its so much fun trying new products out, and it is 100% free. Influenster even takes care of the shipping. How great is that. Well I'm going to go and test out all my new goodies. I will be back for the update. Stay Tuned!! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kiss Nail Dress

(I was given these product complimentary for testing purposes via Influenster.)

This is the second thing I tried in my Voxbox. I have to say this is my favorite product I received from Influenster. I love love love these!!! I honestly can not think of any Cons. But here are the Pro's. They are super easy to apply, there is no drying time. These lasted me close to two and a half weeks. They cost around $5.00 to $6.00 in stores, but after your done applying them it looks like you have a $20.00 manicure. You can use them on your toes as well as your fingers. They have a lot of really cute designs as well. I had always pasted these by in stores thinking one they would be to hard to put on, and not look right, and two they would just look cheap. I was very wrong. I have purchased many since using my gifted set. I could really almost justify never painting my nails again and just using these. You guys have got to check them out.

Gillette Venus & Olay Razor

(I was given these product complimentary for testing purposes via Influenster.)

First product I used out of my Voxbox was the Gillette Venus & Olay Razor. I absolutely love this razor. It produces a very clean, and close shave. With out giving you razor burn. Which I have to say with my sensitive skin that is something I never find in a razor. It truly never fails I always get razor burn using razors. I would have to say this would be my number one Pro about this product. Now I will have to say there is one Con to it as well. The way that the soap is positioned around the razor head makes it hard to use after a few shaves. I have used my razor around four times, and I can no longer get any of the soap off the razor onto my legs when I shave with it. There is still plenty left on it, but like I said the positioning of them make it hard to use. I think next time I purchase the razor heads I will try leaving them out of the tub. That may help the soap around it not melt as fast. Other than that one Con I really like the razor. I was very surprised how soft it left my skin after using it. You guys defiantly should try it out. Here is the link to try the product for yourself. You can also find out more about this product at Hope you check it out and try it for yourself.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Influenster Love VoxBox!!

          (I was given these product complimentary for testing purposes via Influenster.)

I finally received my box, and I'm so excited to try all the goodies out. I will give you guys a brief look at each product and then come back and review each one individuality. I have to say this was a great box. There is not one thing I did not like. This is such a great way to find products you usually would not use or spend your extra money on. Also I would like to note that all opinions I have on each product are my own. I was not payed or will I get payed to give these reviews. If you would like to watch I did do an unboxing video. I hope you guys will enjoy watching and reading my reviews. Check Influenster out if you get a chance. Its really simple to sign up. They do not have boxes that come out every month. But the next on is coming soon in May. It is the Mom VoxBox. So all you mothers out there hurry and sign up, and cross your fingers. I hear it is suppose to have some fabulous stuff in it for us to test.      

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New To The Blogging World!!

Ok as we all can tell this is my first blog post. lol I have a lot of exciting things coming in my life. I just received an email from a site called influenster I got picked to receive there LovBox. Here is the link For those of you that don't know what influenster is. Its a site that sends out monthly boxes to people that are very sociable on the internet.  They send out free full size product samples from different companies for you to try and review. So I will have a review of those items coming soon. I will also do an unboxing video, and review video on my YouTube channel. I'm super excited to have been picked to receive a box.
As some of you know my family and I have been living in a temporary living condition. We have made a lot of progress on our lot. We like grading the lot, and having the water, sewer, and power ran before we can start building our house. So needless to say  we are very close to getting everything back to normal around here. So I can finally start back making soaps, candles, and all the other crafty things I love to create. So I really look forward to sharing the things I love with you guys, and hopefully posting a few tutorials. I will try to update as everything progresses. Talk to you guys soon!! Amanda